They clarify the controversy over the Venezuelan hospital where to put babies in cardboard boxes.

 A photograph showing several infants lying in cardboard boxes has caused a stir in Venezuela. After two days of bickering between the right spokesmen and Government officials, the reason for the outrageous graphics is revealed. 

 Several newborn children sleep in cardboard boxes. The photograph of a Venezuelan hospital, reported by social networks, viralizó in a few hours. True or tried a montage?

 On Friday, the Venezuelan Institute of social insurance (IVSS) cleared the doubts that two days pulularon amid mutual accusations of the Government and the opposition: the picture is real. The institution was considered "unacceptable" that the fact occurred and said that it punished in the coming hours to the pediatrician who took the decision to put the babies in those conditions within the catch. 

 Confusion was greater when, hours after having known photo of babies in boxes, the IVSS will show a graphic same catch but with all the children in room of neonatal cribs. 

 The doctor on call left that they acostaran babies in boxes of cardboard, against the hospital protocols, while had "seven free incubators".

 According to the statement, after a nurse realized the situation was "immediately to withdraw children from the boxes and put them on cots and incubators". 

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