Vegan Egg Substitutes

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While I sometimes enjoy cooking, I have always really loved baking. It's probably that whole set it and forget mentality that I usually have towards baking. First you bustle around like crazy collecting your ingredients, then you measure them out and then you thoroughly mix them all together, BUT, after that, you can sit down, put on your favorite show, relax and just wait out the bake time.

With vegan baking this is the same, though you're gonna have to consider some egg replacers in additional to which plant based milk you'd like to utilize.

In baking, eggs tend to be used as a binding agent, a thickener and a moistener. But don't think that just because you're not using actual eggs that you can't create that same effect without them. You can!

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Here are some vegan-friendly egg substitutes to try! Remember, these all have their own egg-like properties. Some are better at binding, some are better at thickening, some also provide a lot of taste, so choose which one works best for the specific thing that you're planning on making!

  • Bananas
  • Unsweetened Apple Sauce
  • Flax Egg (1 tbsp ground flaxseed and 3 tbsp water - mix and let sit)
  • Chia Egg (1 tbsp ground chia seeds and 3 tbsp water - mix and let sit)
  • Chickpea Flour
  • Chickpea Liquid From The Can (AKA aquafaba)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar + Baking Soda
  • Mashed Avocado
  • Peanut Butter
  • Soft Tofu
  • Egg Replacer Mixes (Like Bob's Red Mill!)

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Check out the original post for this helpful list of vegan egg substitutes!

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