Happy Cows

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Miss Annabelle hopes that her silliness could make you smile :)

Unlike most cows, like other females who are forcibly impregnated by humans, have their babies taken away from them, and then have that process done over and over again to them until they are considered "spent" and can no longer produce enough milk to be considered profitable, Annabelle has a lot to smile about herself.

Annabelle resides at an animal sanctuary where she is taken care of, treated with respect and loved by many - including her goat friends!

If seeing Annabelle's cute tongue out made you smile, please remember that when you're making choices about the food you eat and the products that you use, you're not just deciding something for yourself. You're also deciding the fate of cows just like Annabelle.

Thank you.

Now here's one more shot of Annabelle that really shows off her personality :D

annabelle smiling.jpg

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