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Toxic Foods...

Toxic foods in the Diet ...

Almost all of us have something in our diets that we know isn’t good for our health...

we’ve been led to believe that health comes from a wide range of “variety” in our diets -which couldn’t be further from the truth...

health has its place in simplicity, health has its place in consistency & less variety... the simpler, the better...less is more...

Truth is, health manifests when we eliminate all foods outside of the fruit, vegetable, herb & leafy green kingdom ... we are designed to eat ONLY that which grows in nature...

if our “food” must be slaughtered, Milked, cooked to render it edible, processed, etc., it’s not human food... it’s not health promoting ...

We humans have been eating anything that moves or anything we can get our hands on from deep sea creatures to another species milks or unborn offspring for quite sometime, but that doesn’t make it correct...

Just because our grandparents & distant relatives did something, this does not mean they were correct or knew the impact their choices would have further down the road... there’s a big difference between surviving & thriving ...

We humans have a specific type of fuel or foods that are designed for our physiology... there are certain foods our bodies function well on, & certain foods that act as foreign chemistry, creating obstructions in the form of mucus/acids which leads to eventual disease or symptoms...

We have choices everyday... our choices affect our overall health continually... the beauty of it, is that our health is entirely up to us, what chemistry we choose to bring within ...

So choose wisely because we do not “only live once”, we live many days, we only die once & that is something you may have control over after all...

Mariah 🍒 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self...