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The Scruffy Veterinarian and Jack of all trades

Variety is what drives what I do.

I have always loved what I have done. And become tired of some chapters of my career too. I began life as a veterinarian in the poultry industry, moving into private practice and looking after other people’s dogs and cats, into a government role as a veterinarian related to food safety, and I will most likely move into a different field after this chapter is done. Watch this space - I am designing it in anticipation for gaining more control over my own life.

I have always been interested in everything around me, and this platform is my first step into something else I believe in: blockchain. My theme for 2018 is to learn as much as I can about a select few things - blockchain and crypto currencies is one of my main curiosities, followed closely by owning my life!

I will share what I think will add value in the form of experiences and stories for anyone who feels they can relate to a scruffy, tired and optimistic personality.

