RE: The Art of Flexibility: Mastering Adaptability in Van Life

In some ways - the way you started out reminded me of how we started out as a family

we moved to California - kind of quickly! hahaha long story there - but we had the opportunity and we ran with it. no job - just moving with my parents - deciding to all live together for a year until we got our feet under us and see what happened!

that's a tale for another time... but the reality of California living was a culture shock. The house we all rented for the first year was worth 650,000 when we first moved there. The housing market SKYROCKETED and that same house at the end of our rental year was worth 1.2 million.,

so the prospect of us buying really changed.

and you'd think that well... what the heck are you thinking dreem? of course you'll need 2 incomes and send your kids to school and all that.

but we chose to have me stay at home, homeschool, and live on one income. and remember - we started all over again - so it wasn't like hubby had this great career hahaha

but you know the thing is... people can OFTEN make these choices. and just rearrange their lives and make it work.

but fear stops a lot of people. I'm not saying that i'm so brave hahaha fear stops me from doing things today too.... but... i'm saying - if you just decide to do it! you're usually SO shocked that things CAN work out.

and yes - you have the pitfalls (like your van and your limited mechanic skills - and lots and lots of pitfalls along our journey too)

but that's how you learn! hahaha you get kicked out the nest and better hope those wings can hold you! hhaha and they often do!

that's kinda what my latest post was about. Like you with your limited van knowledge - i feel the same about my knowledge of repairs and building. and hubby is a chef - so his knowledge was not really the typical man's man knowledge in that area either. hahaha but now - we are forced to either TRY on our own to learn these things in practice, OR... always be in a position to hire repairmen.

maybe it will end up being a little of both hahaha but - the point is... if we hold ourselves back by always saying " well i don't know this/that" then we never will learn this/that.

so - i like people like us! hhaha that are at least willing to step out. and we each step out into different things! the landing spot doesn't matter. the leap is what connects us!

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