RE: It's a Hive Love Story!

hahahaha i'm glad that i came to this to read - because my stupid autovote did not kick on ... why?
ohhhhh because i might have run my voting power down to 43% ?? or.. its probably worse now cuz i just upvoted you ahahahahahaha

that's gonna take like 4 days to get back to normal! LOLOL

i just smiled this whole time - i mean - i didn't know you know you yet - but i was meeting these people all right around the same time as you and its like... wow - its lke reading a year book. know what i mean???

these posts are seriously making me so freaking nostalgic!!! hahahaha

yes - please make a part 2!!! PYPT stories must be told!!! LOLOLOL

but take your time -and enjoy the writing on your purple keyboard LOL no rush - just enjoy!!! hehehehe

and start planning for ... ya know. dreeming LOL

i love you!

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