We Have Nothing if We Do Not Have Freedom of Choice Regarding Our Health and the Health of Our Children.


It is time to re-think vaccines. Your body is intelligent. Trust it!

We have nothing if we do not have freedom of choice regarding our health and the health of our children. If we don’t stand up for our medical freedom, we will be slaves to the system for years to come.

There is no doubt that parents try to make the best decisions for their children, so why do everything right BUT research vaccines? It is time to wake up and stop trusting the corrupt system with the health of your children. Get informed so you can make an informed decision.

Don’t put your trust in a system that’s PROVEN numerous times to lie and manipulate the public. Vaccines have already caused deaths and permanent injury in children, and it has never been proven to improve immunity about not vaccinating.

Knowing the truth, becoming knowledgeable, standing your ground, and making informed decisions regarding your children’s health is good parenting. Don’t let “the system” tell you any differently, don’t let them guilt you for your decisions, and be confident. Confidence comes through knowledge.

There is societal pressure to accept standards such as vaccines. Don’t be fooled by conformed consent, don’t be a sheep in the herd.

A conformed decision is not the same as an informed decision.

Photo Credit: https://energyze.conservice.com

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