Question Everything About Vaccines


Despite what they tell us and want us to believe, vaccines have not been tested for long-term safety! It is time to get educated and protect your legal right to opt out of vaccines when they continue to refuse to provide proofs of safety.
Education is powerful and important, especially when it comes to making the choice to vaccinate or not vaccinate your children. Start getting educated and start asking the right questions. Asking the right questions is very powerful and can change the course of your decision-making process.

Question everything about vaccines:
• Ingredients
• Side effects
• Diseases they “prevent”
• History of vaccines
• History of disease/illness
• Clean water and sanitation (what did it do for us regarding disease/illness)
• Vaccine court
• Package inserts
• Natural solutions

Asking the right questions and self-educating on vaccines may/will save your children’s lives.
-Discover the truth
-Uncover the corruption
-Get the real story

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