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Aborted Fetal Remains in Some Live Virus Vaccines, the Disastrous Health Effects, and Claiming Religious Exemption

EXTREMELY important for EVERYONE to know -- no matter your stance on abortion -- "Pro-Life" or "Pro-Choice".

Marcella Piper-Terry reveals how some live-virus vaccines have been developed with aborted fetal tissue.

When the Rubella Vaccine was developed in the '60s during a Rubela Outbreak, they convinced mothers who had been exposed to Rubella that their child would be born with Birth Defects and needed to abort. However, it was not until the 27th abortion that they actually found a baby infected with the virus. That means that 26 babies would have been born healthy!!!

How is that Pro-Choice? These mothers presumably wanted their babies, but were unknowingly scared into sacrificing their child for "science."

There were altogether 80 abortions that went into making the Rubella Vaccine.

Fetal Cell Lines replicate over and over again. They are problematic because they are "Highly Tumorigenic." The older they become, the more cancer-causing they become. There is a need now to develop new fetal cell lines, as they are near the end of their viability.

In 2015 a new Fetal Cell Line was created called WALVAX-2 that needed 9 abortions to develop. These babies were delivered by Waterbag Method, so that all the organs were intact. They were often delivered alive, as dead tissue is no use to vaccine makers. So if these were abortions that would have happened anyways and they were not done for the sole purpose of vaccines, it's pretty coincidental that they had scientists there ready to collect the tissue so that they could whisk it away to the lab. It makes you wonder if the mother was aware of any of this.

In the video below, Marcella also talks about the horrible health consequences of injecting another human's DNA into our bodies, and how it causes auto-immune problems, childhood leukemia, and other issues.

     PLEASE Please Watch This 17-Minute Video

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In States and Provinces where vaccination is mandatory to attend school, there usually exists a Religious Exemption. Understanding the use of aborted fetal cells in vaccines is one way to claim Religious Exemption.

The vaccines are not only grown on aborted fetal cells, but you can see below where the CDC website admits to "Trace Amounts" remaining. Keep in mind that nobody is responsible to monitor that the manufacturer only leaves behind "trace amounts" of fetal cells or mercury. So being labelled as "trace amounts" is no assurance at all.

Dr. Theresa Deisher is a Stem Cell Pioneer, who is Pro-Vaccine but wants to develop vaccines that do NOT use aborted fetal cells. She has documented the terrible health consequences of using Fetal Cells.

To the people that consistently tell me to "Shut Up" because I am endangering humanity by exposing the danger of vaccines, let me ask you this. How will safer vaccines ever be developed if we don't first acknowledge the problems with existing vaccines? Right now, as soon as a reputable scientist calls into question ANY component of vaccines, they get labelled "anti-vaccine" and "Quack"! Until people STOP using the dangerous vaccines currently on the market, we will never get ones that are somewhat safer available.

You can also watch here Dr. Deisher’s testimony at the Minnesota House of Representatives on vaccine safety. She presents research demonstrating a link between the rise in the rates of autism and the use of aborted fetal cells in the production of vaccines.

... My Blog @canadian-coconut

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