If you're someone who's extremely pro-vax, I'll start by pointing out what SHOULD be obvious. Not all vaccines are the same. Just because a substance is rushed to market and labelled a "vaccine", that doesn't mean it should immediately be accepted as being "safe and effective".

For example: Pizza may be your favourite food. Does that mean you love ALL pizza? A fresh out the oven pie is quite different than a slice that has been sitting out for 4 days and has flies on it. No debating that. Now, if you don't want to eat the expired slice.. does that make you "anti-pizza"? ​

Apply the same logic to the "anti-vaxxer" label.

Once you scroll down this page, read the stories from the victims and their families and listen to the warnings from the (censored) medical experts, you're going to understand exactly why these covid shots are the equivalent to the moldy slice of pizza referenced in the example above.

In less than 1 year, more people have reportedly been killed from these shots than ALL other vaccines over the last 30 years COMBINED!

The statistics will be posted below, but first.. let's take a look at some of the victims..

These experimental injections seem to be the number 1 cause of "coincidences". Queens University in Ontario mandated the clot-shots, and within months, 3 of their healthy young students died.

Prior to this, did you ever hear about 3 healthy students of the same University randomly passing away within the timeframe of a couple months?

Kamila, an intelligent, beautiful young girl who had a promising future collapsed and "passed away suddenly" while exercising..

Rachel Anne Smith is another such example of an intelligent/beautiful young girl who unexpectedly had her life cut short. She was a volunteer in the COVID vaccine clinic. Clearly she was someone with good intentions who was simply mislead regarding the safety of these experimental injections.

Jacon Downey was just 18 years old. He was a first year kinesiology student who loved to play hockey. In fact, he was one of three recipients of the Peterborough Petes Education Fund Minor Hockey Scholarship.

They simply call it a "medical emergency" as to not give away details that will spark suspicion that it was linked to the so-called "vaccine" (which they carelessly required their students to take.

Was that "medical emergency" related to heart problems/blood clots by any chance? I wonder.

A "mandate" of an experimental medical treatment (for students that don't need it), followed by 3 unexpected fatalities. Queens University should be getting sued right now.

A healthy 19-year-old named Cienna Knowles was hospitalized with her body full of blood clots shortly after her second Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Cienna got the shot on the morning of the 21st. That night, she woke up vomiting and her whole body was shaking. She was rushed to the ER after a D-dimer test came back positive which showed that she had developed blood clots all over her legs and lungs. The 19-year-old is now struggling to come to terms with her life never going back to normal again.

Here's a video she shared with her 35,000+ followers..

In the video below, you'll see a teenager from Australia who took the experimental shots and lost her ability to walk. The response from her doctors? Well, they denied it was caused from the so-called "vaccines", and instead suggested that she can't walk anymore and has neurological damage because she's "stressed". Perhaps school and family problems they suggested. Right.. because it's normal to forget how to walk when you have an exam coming up. Some of these doctors are even more brainwashed than the general public. I guess several years of indoctrination shaped by the pharma industry can do that to you.

Now that you've seen just a few examples, it should be obvious that children shouldn't be experimented on. The frightening part is that the myocarditis cases are being brushed off, but when you look up what the survival rate for it is, this is the result.

There have been over 100 post-vax heart related issues reported in Ontario alone.

106 instances of myocarditis/pericarditis, in a single Canadian province, and 25-56% fatality rate within 3-10 years!

Let's recap.

COVID is a statistically insignificant threat to children.
The experimental injections are killing children.
The politicians are not stopping the shots.
They're mandating them!

This is criminal. Moving on..

Alright.. this section gets a bit graphic, but it needs to be shown to bring awareness. Nobody has the right to coerce you into taking a medical treatment that can cause your skin to essentially fall off.

Alright.. that's enough. I think you get the idea. A medical procedure that can lead to such horrible outcomes should NEVER be mandated.

Moving on..

The average age of what they've labelled a "covid death" in most countries is 80+ years old. Elderly people with multiple underlying conditions.

There was no reason for for any of these athletes to get it..

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Antoine developed breathing problems and pain in his left arm following his first Moderna injection on June 28th. 3 weeks later, during a trail race, he suffered from the same pain in his left arm and from shortness of breath he explained in a Facebook post. Doctors told him not to worry after an examination at Saintes Hospital on July 18th as he was told that his symptoms were related to ‘stress’ and ‘fatigue’.

He took his second Moderna shot on August 16th – to be able to go to a swimming pool – where vaccination became mandatory. Around a month later on September 13th, the same symptoms reoccurred (shortness of breath, pain in his body). Several tests at a sports clinic in Bordeaux 8 days later showed that he was suffering from a pulmonary embolism.

There are so many examples of peak level athletes either dying or becoming seriously injured after taking these injections. Here are some more you can look into..

Now.. remember in 2019 when we saw hundreds of fit/young athletes randomly collapsing as a result of cardiac arrest? No? Yea, neither do I. Seems to be happening quite a lot this year though..

What do you think is causing it? Such a mystery.

From his Instagram post: Myocarditis, Pericarditis and Trivial Mitral regurgitation! Thank you Pfizer.

Just want to share my annoying experience after vaccination and perhaps have some testimonials and similar stories around Freedivers. Did you get better?

After my 2nd dose I noticed that my heart rate was way higher than normal and my breath hold capacities went down significantly. During sleep, I’m at 65-70bpm instead of 37-45bpm. During the day I’m now always over 100bpm instead of 65bpm, even when I sit down and relax. I once even reached 177bpm while having dinner with friends !!!! 10 days after my 2nd jab, I went to see a cardiologist and he told me it’s a common side effect of Pfizer vaccin, nothing to worry about, just rest it will pass. 40days after 2nd jab, I had no progress so I went to see another cardiologist and got diagnosed with Myocarditis, Pericarditis and Trivial Mitral regurgitation! Which is basically an inflammation of the heart muscles caused by the immune system and some tiny leaks of blood from the valves that no longer close properly. I’m now struggling to reach 8min breath hold, 150m dyn and I even have a strong urge to breathe doing 40m dives. 30% decrease on my diving performance roughly.

With blood clots being such an issue, there are some extremely unfortunate amputation images floating around. This first one, Dave Maers, is a lifelong martial artist who can no longer kick. The description below was written by his friend who was trying to organize a fundraiser on his behalf.

Dave was recently on a podcast called "champion fights and Bangkok nights" where he noted that the doctors brushed off the correlation between the experimental injection and the blood clot that caused the massive swelling in his foot - which lead to the amputation. "Hard to prove" they said. Dave claims that he felt perfectly fine before taking the astra jab, and insists that it was the cause. I believe him.

Keep in mind that nobody promoting these shots to you is going to accept any responsibility for your injuries. Not your employer (unless you make them sign a liability form beforehand), and certainly not the "vaccine" manufacturers.

Note the situation below. Another blood clot, and a near amputation. No responsibility taken. Her superiors at the hospital who coerced her to take it simply told her to resign.

From her Instagram post:

“Hi guys, these are some pictures of what I’ve been through after taking the covid-19 vaccine. I was affected by venous thrombosis in my left leg just a week after the vaccine. Right now we’re doing additional tests for more information. I was a healthy person before this and I never had problems with my blood circulation.

I need help, whoever can help, please reach out. My name is RAIMUNDA CÍCERA ALVES DOS SANTOS and if you want more information about my story, then you can call my phone number (PIX 63 991056787). God bless you all.”

And how common are these blood clots? They certainly seem to be underplayed. "Extremely rare" they'll tell you, but there's a doctor based out of BC who is running D-Dimer tests on his patients tho took the injection and he's finding early signs of clotting in 62% of them (here's the discussion).

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A good friend of my parents had a brain aneurysm and passed away a couple months after his second Pfizer injection.

It was completely unexpected, as he was fit and in his 50’s.

“PASSED AWAY UNEXPECTEDLY” is a statement that is being made now more than any other time I can recall.

Here are a few examples..

Jessica's obituary..

Jessica, like many others.. was coerced into taking the experimental injections. Her young daughters have now lost their mother.

This is a crime. Coercing people to accept unwanted medical procedures needs to stop. It's a violation of the Nuremberg Code and all informed consent laws.

Joshimar Henry was a fit, 27 year old doctor who was one of the first recipients of the experimental shots in Chicago. He unexpectedly passed away shortly after as a result of a heart attack.

Look at his photos below. Does he look like someone who was at risk for heart failure? Obviously not. He was in great shape.

Based on what we now know regarding the heart complications linked to these injections, it's hard not to make the connection.

There have been several doctors analyzing the bloodwork of their patients who have taken the injections. What they're finding is alarming. From weakened immunity, to the stacking of blood cells (rouleaux formations). Check out these videos..

In the videos above, Dr. Nathan Thompson and Dr. Ryan Cole speak on the bloodwork results of their vaccinated patients, and both expressed concerns regarding a weakening of their immune system based on the markers they were seeing.

If what they're saying is true, are we going to see an increase of cancer rates? The incidences below are anecdotal accounts, but the cancer rates in 2022 will give us a more definitive answer.


When you're watching the mainstream media (corporate propaganda), they make it seem like all the doctors are in agreement that these so-called "vaccines" are "safe and effective".

Well, there are MANY extremely accomplished medical experts who have been sounding the alarm, trying to warn as many people as they can.

From an ex vice-president at Pfizer (Micheal Yeadon), to noble prize winning virologist (Luc Montagnier). Even the man who worked to invent this mRNA technology (Robert Malone) has been trying to warn people.

The complicit social media networks have been working hard to censor the opinions of credible counter-voices.

In the videos below, you can listen to what they have to say (and you'll see why they've been threatened and silenced).

A compilation of medical experts sounding the alarm about the "pandemic" and the experimental shots.

Dr. Youngblood absolutely destroys the current "safe and effective" vaccine narrative with facts and data.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, an ex-vice president at Pfizer (now turned whistleblower), says that "it's a crazy thing" to vaccinate children with something that is 50x more likely to kill them than the virus itself.

An ICU nurse exposes the entire covid-narrative. This video went viral, getting millions of views in just a few days before the truth-blockers at youtube pulled it down.

Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Robert Malone (who helped invent the mRNA technology) speak out on the absurdity of "vaccinating" children. "How many children do we want to put into a wheelchair? How many children do we want to disable? How many children do we want to make infertile? How many children do we want to give cancer?", says Ryan.

Independent MP Derek Sloan holds a news conference on Parliament Hill to raise concerns about the alleged censorship of doctors and scientists as well as medical information related to vaccines.

The Ontario MP has been critical of lockdowns that have been in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and also sponsored a petition questioning the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

He is joined by Byram Bridle (associate professor of viral immunology, University of Guelph), Dr. Patrick Phillips (family and emergency medicine physician in Ontario), and Don Welsh (professor of physiology and pharmacology, Western University).

Dr. Vernon Coleman showcases a study that appeared in Vol 144, Issue Suppl_1 of the esteemed journal "Circulation" on Nov 8th, 2021.

"If the medical experiment continues after today, we know for absolute sure that this is not a medical treatment.. it's a cull"

The study he's referencing can be viewed here: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712

Dr Aseem Malhotra is a British cardiologist who recently raised concerns regarding the link between the covid "vaccines" and the recent rise in cardiac arrests among young people who rolled up their sleeve.

In this video, he references the study from the "Circulation" medical journal linked above. He also states that he has colleagues have told him that they're seeing "younger and younger people coming in with heart attacks".

He mentions another study, similar to the one published in Circulation, but states that the conductors of the research are hesitant to publish it because they're worried they'll lose funding for their research from the pharma industry (see how "science" works?).

This video features numerous medical experts who are sounding the alarm. Facebook has this video on auto-detection. If you try to share it to your story, the AI will identify it and prevent it from being posted. I know because I tried. It lasted for a few seconds, then I got a warning on my account. If you watch the video, you'll understand why.

An Australian nurse (who would rather give up her career than take the "vaccine") is seen in the video above exposing the truth. She says that it's not a "pandemic of the unvaccinated", and that her hospital is seeing young people coming in with vax injuries.

"We're talking 20 year olds who have dropped dead. Nothing is getting on the media", she says. "Are you hearing ambulances? All the time sirens? That's the vaccine injured"

"We know this is not a safe vaccine"