To my 98 year old "prick" of a self.

Fucking vaccines.
Do they still have them in 2064 saggy nuts? Of course they do! You would have vaccines for everything.
"I've had hiccups for three days now!" Get a vaccine.
"I have an eye twitch!" Vaccine.
"My piss has been way to yellow!" Needle straight into the eye hole.
"Watery eyes..." Well same remedy, different eye.
I doubt there would be a need for flu vax or whooping cough or mumps, measles, rebellion. They would of all been eradicated back in the good Ol' 2020's thanks to the wisdom of governments and the compulsory vaccine law.
No more nasty itchy red spots and a week off school isolated in the bedroom covered in calamine lotion with your colouring-in books, and action figures. No more fears of never being able to have children because your throat felt like a Catholic priest had done some tonsil rattling with a salty meat sabre. No more rubelling your rubella raw because of those lousy Germans pissed off they lost the first and second world war. No more anal bowel cancer thanks to the magic of Gardasil and it's incredible morphing ability to solve everything that is sexually transmitted or rhymes with human papillomavirus.
Now don't you dare start to wonder where the rest of the 5.6 billion percent of the population went that lived on the planet back in the mid twenty teens you old skinny fuck. You know that was an over stated figure banded around by that terrorist group Anonymous just before world war three broke out.
I know I'm making some of this shit up but it's really not that hard to imagine that kind of future from where you were sitting at this time 2016.
The world was a pretty ugly place if you can remember that far back; you know, if the drugs you took in your youth (is 49 youth?) didn't mush your temporal lobe to junket.
And if you can't remember what was happening regarding Big Pharma and the Medical Mafia around this time in your long and hazardous existence let me jog your memory. Most of the western world, that's America, England, Australia and New Zealand; along with some other countries I'm sure. (My ignorance and our failed year ten education doesn't allow for such in depth knowledge to come seeping to the surface of my grey matter. Also dickhead, by western I mean the so called first world, not the shoot out at the OK corral, just in case thats been lost to history as well.) So these insidious corporations in conjunction with the media, universities and the lame stream media produced a posturing ethic that had the fluoride brained masses believing that injecting autism induced poison into the arms and arses of their kin produced health and wellbeing instead of wealth and hellbeing. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) lied for ten plus fucking years about there MMR vaccine, causing an army of invalids and shattered families while, in the wake of this information being released, governments pushed harder for the pricks through laws and regulations that punished the poor via withdrawal of social security and even the withdrawal of parents from their children.
In 2016, to stand against the mind numbed masses meant isolation, ridicule and possibly forced inoculations making a two to one autism rate possible by as early as 2025.
And that is why we are expected to be the first generation in many to out live our children... and I possibly have.
Do you miss them.
Silly question.

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