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Application to be an Utopian moderator

Category and Supervisor -

I would like to join the Visibility category and I want @knowledges to be my supervisor.

Why Visibility -

I want to join the Visibility category because I have a lot of experience with Social Media marketing.

I managed Facebook pages with over 50,000 likes since I was around 14 ( 20 now ). I made dozens of pages with over 30,000 likes from scratch. I even made some pages to be with over 80,000 and sometimes it reached 100,000 + likes.

I was the person with one of the most FB pages in Israel ( Likes + reach wise ) and I managed them all alone.

Not a long ago I started with Instagram as well and did some Twitter too. I love Social Media marketing and I know I can help with managing the Visibility category.

Some Suggestion I have -

After contributing a few times to the Visibility category, I started to check out other contributions and I found out people have around 1,000-3,000 likes to the post of the contribution even though the post has barely 5,000 reach.

It makes no sense, no post can get that many likes with only 5,000 reach. It's just impossible. it supposed to be a maximum of 200 likes ( and only if it's a funny post, post that promotes open source projects supposed to be a maximum of 50 likes, or around that.. )

So the only thing I can think of is they are using bots to maybe make their contribution more "alive" and maybe get more rewards, I don't know. It just looks really fishy.

Another thing I came across while contributing is that it takes 3-4 days for the contribution to be reviewed in this category, as a moderator I will try to make it not longer than 48 hours.
