Add "language settings" in the smsdroid app



The droid SMS app is an open source app app that can be used to create new messages and view saved messages and can be used to send messages in offline mode.
And I've been using this app a week ago.
Here I want to give one suggestion hopefully can give benefit for all of us. by adding a language setting I think it will be easier for users of this app, So that smsdroid application users from various countries can directly change their language settings.


My suggestion is to add language settings to the smsdroid application that we can change directly about the language of each country. Here will make it easier to understand the language of their respective countries, so as not to doubt what they want to do on this smsdroid application. In my opinion, if there is no language setting I think for those who do not understand English will make it difficult when using this application.

Mockups / Examples

  • Example of the original view
    The picture above is the original view of the smsdroid application I just give a little hint to understand.

Let's look at the suggestions I made below

  • My suggestion

After pressing the language setting button, after that exit the display like the example below


This will help users to more quickly understand the language of each country, especially us for users who are in Indonesia.
With the settings on the smsdroid app will be very useful for users who do not understand the language of various countries and will make them more quickly perform the activities tercamtum in this application.

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