Getting AgX scheduled jobs ready


On my previous posts about AgX, I have first extracte STEEM/SBD data to calculate their 200 days moving average (AgX factor), and then used this data to draw a chart of the evolution of the price ratio and of the AgX factor itself.

The task was then run manually with npm run start

New Features

  • In order to automatize the whole thing I have integrated Express.js framework and set the main route to start fetching data and drawing the chart.
  • The call to the the job is secured by a secret token
  • If a chart has already been drawn that day, the process aborts
  • If a chart has already been drawn that day but the admin wants to override, he can add the parameter force=true to the URL

The new flow is as follow:

  • API is called
  • Authentication is checked thanks to the token
  • If Authentication succeeds, check if the chart has already been drawn
  • If the chart has not been drawn yet or if the admin forced it, get data from Bittrex API
  • Calculate 400 days STEEM/SBD ratio and 200 days AgX factor
  • Draw chart
  • Store it in public folder

The chart has been improved to follow @aggroed suggestions:


  • Factor renamed to AgX
  • Tooltip shows today values for AgX and Steem/SBD ratio

Next steps

Next step will probably be the final one and will integrate Steem.js to allow the backend to publish posts containing the AgX information.

Release coming soon!


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