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Suggestion To Add Features Like "Check Duplicate" And More


My suggestions are about Utopian's contribution page and moderating page.


I suggest adding a "check duplicate" button on contribution page.As you can see in the below images that i have given in examples,user will use tags of the contribution they are contributing,for example if user is contributing about php language they will write "php" in the tag section and then they will write what is the contribution is about for example "creating interfaces in php" the duplicate box will show user if there is any contribution about "php","creating interfaces in php"submitted or not.

According to the authors changes on the text similliarity rate will go lower or higher.

Other suggestion will help moderators and supervisors to check if there is plagiarism.By clicking the "click to check plagiarism" moderators can see the plagiarism rate of the contribution.If the plagiarism rate is more than %50 the program automatically will give the plagiarized posts link and in the final step moderator will click the "!" icon to report user to moderator's own supervisor and that button will send the link to users profile to supervisor on discord.

Mockups / Examples

First Suggestion


Second Suggestion



Write here the benefits the components/parts/sections of the software will gain once your proposal will be implemented and problems it will solve.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors