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Volentix Papers translation report [5](1050 words)


Project Details:

Project name: Volentix Papers

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What is Volentix?

Volentix introduces a digital assets ecosystem (DAE) incorporating a decentralized digital assets exchange connected with a secure multi-currency cross-blockchain peer-to-peer wallet, a user-friendly market-ratings analytical interface, and an incentives-based recruitment program.
The Volentix ecosystem will exist atop four pillars, an initializing array of applications specifically known as:

  • VENUE (a community and bounties platform where new members are recruited and where VOLENTIX digital asset (VTX) is distributed).
  • VERTO (a local multi-currency wallet).
  • VESPUCCI (an interface where you could analyze and check all the data related to digital assets).

If you are interested in more details about the project, I invite you to take a look at their website where you can find the answer to any question that you might have

Contribution Specifications

Volentix is an open source project, so, everybody is free to help with the development and with the translation of the project on Crowdin.
I'm very interested in this project and this is one of the main reasons why I wanted to translate it, I will do my best to provide the best Italian translation so the users can have a truly great experience while using it in Italian.
This project is a good opportunity for me to learn more about the blockchain technology and the Volentix world.
The project is composed by 3 main files:

  • vdex-whitepaper
  • vespucci-whitepaper
  • volentix-green-paper

Translation Overview

This is my fifth translation report for the Volentix papers and the second report for the Vespucci Whitepaper.
It's been almost 1 month since my last report and I'm not very happy that my work on translation has slowed down lately, for this reason, I decided to do my best in order to get back into working more on translation in order to improve while helping some amazing open source projects.
So far, this seems to be one of the hardest projects that I've translated till now, however, while working on the strings from this report I didn't have any major problem and the Vespucci whitepaper looks a bit easier and less complex than the vdex whitepaper.
This translation was mostly made from my mobile phone because I didn't have much time to work from home, and I've been working mostly while I was on a train or on a bus.
Some of the strings I encountered were left untranslated because I was unsure, but I'll get back to them as soon as I have some time to work from my computer and research the terms that I was unsure about. There were also some words that I left untranslated because there was no Italian translation for those words or because those words were very related to the project.
Even if this project is one of the hardest till now, I'm really enjoying translating it because I have the opportunity to learn something new every day and to improve my English skills and my general knowledge about the blockchain by searching for new the meaning and the use of some words that I didn't knew before.

Below you can see some examples of the strings I've translated:
  • By leveraging Python’s Machine learning framework, and given the language’s advantages, it is only natural for this module to be implemented in Python.

Sfruttando il framework di Machine Learning di Python, e considerando i vantaggi di questo linguaggio di programmazione, è naturale che questo modulo venga implementato in Python.

  • Technical analysts believe the analysis of price movement or the supply and demand of currencies is the best way to identify trends in the currency

Gli analisti tecnici credono che l'analisi del movimento dei prezzi o la domanda e l'offerta delle criptovalute sia il miglior modo per identificare le tendenze di una moneta.

  • Several different kinds of moving average calculations exist, but all of them are used to plot a line against either a price chart or another indicator.

Esistono diversi tipi di calcolo della media mobile, ma tutti sono utilizzati per tracciare una linea rispetto ad un grafico dei prezzi o ad un altro indicatore.


Source language: English

Target language: Italian

My past experiences as a translator can be verified by checking my application post or my previous translations on my profile.


Clean Words Translated on this contribution: 1050
Crowdin number of words :1260

Total words translated by me on this project: 6050


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