Finally Network - Landing Page Refresh


Finally Network is a website builder platform on top of the Steem blockchain. The aim is to provide an easy to use interface for Steem users to turn their Steem blog into a website presence they're proud to share.


Landing Page Refresh

Today I am pleased to share improvements to the Finally Network website. I've worked on a design refresh to improve the look and feel of the platform. For now Finally is primarly focussed on a STEEM based audience, those who already use and understand the STEEM blockchain and it's current applications. In future Finally will position it's self more towards new uses and as such the messaging will change. "Turn your STEEM blog into a website" feels straightforward enough to attract attention of current steem users.

The new site has been seperated across home, templates and blog providing a little more information. A short introduction to the idea on the homepage with some extra details for each template. I'm working on creating live examples for each template that visitors can explore (with a one-click create for their content) which will live on the /templates page in future.

The update mostly involved changings the views and associated scss.


Finally Main Page


Templates Page


Blog Feed


Blog Single

Let me know what you think of the refresh.


I struggled for a good ammount of time (aka all of tuesday evening 😅) with a failing build. I discovered the issue was was parcel.js working with node-sass. Specifically I had started to include multple scss imports from within javascript, Parcel handles this but not with node-sass. I eventually found this PR on parcel after trying everything I could. Even with verbose logging there was no output of errors only a frozen build step. Removing node-sass as a dependency and letting it use dart-sass as the default fixed the build. 🙌


As always thanks for all of the continued support. If you're interested in getting more involved please message. Github issues/feature-requests welcome too.

GitHub Account

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