Finally Network - Badge, Resteem and Code Improvements


Finally Network is a website builder platform on top of the Steem blockchain. The aim is to provide an easy to use interface for Steem users to turn their Steem blog into a website presence they're proud to share.


Progress is progress. I've been chipping away this week at a number of items on the todo list. I had hopped to bring more updates to the site but wasn't able to put the time in. I was able to get a number of useful updates coded and pushed to production. There are plenty more ideas and features to be worked on. Working on a new collaboration project with Finally to be realeased soon.

I am tracking a number of ideas through Github issues please feel free to add any feature requests or bugs on Github.

New Features


Finally Badge /finallynetwork/pull/20

There is a new badge shown on all websites that have not been unlocked. 'Unlocking' your account is a simple pay what you like feature to help gauge how interested the community is in this project. The Powered by badge is now included in the bottom right corner of each site linking back to the landing page. The badge is removed for any pro/unlocked accounts. It is perhaps a little intrusive for now so I'm planning to reduce it's presence.

  • No longer using the random theme switching on non 'pro' accounts
  • Allow users to set theme when they first 'try now' from landing page
  • Any user can login and change to any theme
  • Sending any amount of steem using the unlock modal will remove the powered by banner

closes #14

Resteem content /finallynetwork/pull/23

I've now re-implemented re-blogged (aka resteem) content as an option in the user dashboard (it was previously always off as it had caused issues.) I decided on a custom single page routes of /@:username/resteem/@:author/:permlink the username parameter is kept for prosperity to know whos site we are viewing. The author/permlink relate to the content author.

/@:username/resteem/@:author/:permlink - Would use the @username as the website owener and theme/settings.

Each theme can have individual styling of how resteemed content is show. This feature opens opporunity for accounts that are primary sharing others content. The magainze theme

Closes #7 🙌

Util Module and code duplication /finallynetwork/pull/26

This PR was a bit messy. I spent a bunch of time modifying the front end JS/CSS into more maintainable code. There is still a long way to go but it's getting to a better place.

  • Reduce code duplication between themes
  • Use SCSS for styles and adjust config

improves #11 🙌


Thanks for all of the support and ideas in the previous posts. I appreciate any thoughts or feedback you might have. If you're interested in getting more involved please message. Github issues/feature-requests welcome.

GitHub Account

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