1942 Translated words for en_us.lang.php (18%-60%). Translated to Filipino Language

Project Details

SuiteCRM core is a free and open source alternative application based on the last open-source SugarCRM release, and contains many additional enhancements and new modules. This is my first translation on this project.

Links related to the translation

Source Language


Translated Language

Translated to Filipino/Tagalog

Number Of Words

Translatable words: 4645

Number of words translated on this contribution:1942 words translated

Proofread Words

1900+ approved words

Previous translation on the same project

This is my first contribution in translation and I still don't have any previous translation.
Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 1942

Proof of my work

Before I started (18%)CRM1.png
After translation- 60% (but haven't aprrove yet)
After being approved

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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