1360 Translated Words for xx-XX.ini (31% to 64%). Translated in Filipino Language.

31% to 64% for (xx-XX.ini) 1360 translated words.


Project Details

Joomla is an open-source content management system (CMS) for publishing web content. This is my first translation from 31% to 64%. This file is interesting and it helps contributors to understand about more on Joomla projects.

Links related to the translation

*Project Link in Crowdin: https://crowdin.com/project/joomla-cms
*Project Activity Link: https://crowdin.com/translate/joomla-cms/4/engb-fil
*My Activity Link in Crowdin: https://crowdin.com/profile/ronygen13/activity

Source Language


Translated Language

I translated it into Filipino

Number Of Words

I had translated 1360 word in this file. Has a total of translatable word of 4141.

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1360

Proofread Words

As of now, I still don't have a proofread translation.

Previous translation on the same project

This is my first contribution in translation and I still don't have any previous translation.

Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 1360

Proofs of my work:

Before: xx-XX.ini from 31%

After: xx-XX.ini to 64%

Other Proofs:

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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