Suggestions for the MonstersBot on Discord - SteemMonsters



The suggestion for further significant enhancements refers to the implementation in the already existing MonsterBot for Discord.

Proposal Description

With the changes/extensions I am of the opinion that the already entered search results which can be called up by the command !help can be extended by significant areas.
For different outputs the attributes are already integrated, but can be extended by further parameters.

Mockups / Examples

If you enter !help, the following commands will be issued and could be extended in the future with the bold marked dots.

!help Shows this message.
!monster Detaillierte Infos über Spieler in Steemmonsters
!leaderboard Top 10 Spieler 
!wert Aktueller Wert einer Karte 
!quest Detaillierte Infos über Quests eines Spielers 
!gesamtwert Gesamtwert pro Spieler 
!levelup Einfache Levelups 
!version Version des MonsterBots
  • !tournament_list Shows the upcoming Tournaments
  • !quest Showing the Next Quest available in Hours, not only the Date (Timezone difficulties?)
  • !quest Ausgabe Belohnung: x Anzahl BoosterPacks - Change in x RewardCards
  • !levelup > Error appear actually ((Da ist was schiefgelaufen: Command raised an exception: TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable))
  • !levelup player can show up the RatingPoints left to the next Area because this is necessary for higher reward Cards claim for the Season.
  • !link rivalzzz = shows up the generated referalLink
  • !player replaced the current !monster command which is confusing a bit actually
  • !monster *selenia sky 3 - shows up the Card with the Attributes and Strentghs at the entered level

by typing in : !monster vampire 1 following image shows up or the abillities listed up to the card:

or type in: !monster feral spirit 4 showing up:


With the expansion of the functions the MonsterBot offers further possibilities to inform yourself for fights and league placements, as well as to send itself as a dealer or small player important information for the game directly into the DiscordBot. Parts of the suggestions are not yet fully implemented with the current change to the RewardCard and with these suggestions the functions of the bots can be further expanded.

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