MonsterBot - SteemMonsters Tournaments Integration



This suggestion is primarily about the development and implementation of the current tournaments and tournament structure to be able to retrieve them via the MonsterBot in Discord.

Proposal Description

Now that the first SteemMonster tournaments have been successfully completed, the goal is to structure the tournaments better and to make the tournaments more accessible for Steemians. Therefore, in this suggestion there are lists of commands that better represent the participation and listing of individual tournaments and also general overviews and are available in the MonsterBot:

turnier means tournament

Commands to add in the Bot with functions behind:

adding a Tournament

!add_t> link to the "challonge" tournament List OR the SteemPost which related to
adding values can be:

  • Date of tournament
  • time in currentTimezone
  • Value of Prizes
  • Name of the tournament
  • the rules of the tournament (which league are able to use)
    for example challonge link:

!edit_t can be edit by a moderator role on discord for editing an tournament informations shown up in the DiscordBot


!turniere > Show up a list of tournaments which are set by users OR moderator roles only
!discords > show up the List of Discord-Server which are the main battling-chat for the
tournaments, for example: (Monster Tournament)

!turnierkalender > simply shows up the new generated calendar which found here:

Even if it's possible to export those data from the calendar and add it to the Bot manually or automatically would be a great benefit for the community.

Mockups / Examples

this could be the List for Tournaments which you get with !turniere

successfull added an tournament to the MonsterBot with informations to edit


These implementations in the MonsterBot give the community using the bot the opportunity to create and host their own tournaments. As a community project, the bot already offers a lot of information about SteemMonsters, with the new integration or as a preliminary idea to include the tournaments strengthens the potential SteemMonsters and the tournaments to make more successful.

GitHub Account

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