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Add modified (sort by) and password lock on mvp application


Password and modified features should be added as important features components on MVP player application.


I would like to suggest on the followings;

sort by (modified); this feature is one of the important feature that should be implemented on MPV application. To allow users sort files, folders or any documents on the app. it which save users time as they sort files or folder by name, time or last modified documents without scanning all through bulk files on the app.

password feature should be added likewise to enable users have more control over their hidden folders or documents they don't want a second party to have access. The option would allow users create their password and have confidence that their classic documents are safe from illegal penetration by friends.

Mockups / Examples

My Modified feature locate on MPV application
Password feature should locate here at the extreme end of the app settings.
Implemented password from another player
This how the sort by would look like if implemented


The availability of sort by feature on this app would be of a great benefits for users as they would easily sort their files or folder at a go without stress than to comfort their time consumption especially user with much files on device.

The password option is an important feature of which users will know the usefulness of it on the app like this. So the benefit of it cannot be overstated as users will secure and keep it personal files to him or herself alone without others having access. The option would enable locking of each folder or the app generally if doesn't want friends to open the app without permission. As a result, users will gain total control over their privacy and the app will be a more preferred choice and user friendly for users of the app.

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