[Translation] [SuiteCRM] into [Arabic] Part #3 {1100 WORD}


Project Details

SuiteCRM is a free and open source Customer Relationship Management application. Open source CRM is often used as an alternative to proprietary CRM software from major corporations such as Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics CRM applications. SuiteCRM is a software fork of the popular customer relationship management (CRM) system from SugarCRM. The SuiteCRM project started when SugarCRM decided to stop development of its open source version.

The base SuiteCRM application is built on the last open-source SugarCRM release. SuiteCRM is a greatly extended version of SugarCRM which also contains many additional security fixes that are not available in SugarCRM. It was originally released on October 21, 2013 as version 7.0, and provides upgrade paths for existing SugarCRM users.

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Source Language


Translated Language

I translated this project into Arabic language.

Total Project words: 53 584,

Number Of Words

Total number of words I have translated: 3296

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1100

Proofread Words

All words have been approved.

Part #1
Part #2

Translation Status


Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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