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[Translation] [Italian] CalcPvAutonome (1038 translated words)

Reference Image.jpg

Project Details

Accoding to CalcPvAutonome's Github repositorie:


Web tool to help calculate / size your photovoltaic installation in isolated (autonomous) site.


The demonstration can be found here:


For the basic user:

  • 3 form mode (Beginner, Enlightened, Expert).
  • The level of sunshine is derived from PVGIS5 data (
  • In expert mode, adjust the degree of discharge, the electrical efficiency values ​​of the batteries or the rest of the installation, current capacity charge / discharge max...
  • Automatic deduction of the number of panels, batteries and regulator needed (possibility to force a model or customize these features).
  • Panel / regulator wiring hypothesis (example: 3 panels in series on 2 parallels connected to a regulator).
  • Cable schematics.
  • Calculation of the wiring sections.
  • Estimation of a range of the cost of the material (panel, battery, regulator, converter, cable...).
  • Automatic deduction of the voltage of the battery bank to be used (possibility to force a value in expert mode).
  • Detailed explanation of the calculation for done to reach the result.

For advanced users:

  • Integration on your website.
  • Edit the config.ini file to change:
    -The default values ​​of the form.
    -Irradiation values ​​of the map by zone.
    -The price range.
    -Models of typical equipment (battery, panel, regulator, converter) possible for the determination of a configuration."


Links related to the translation

Source Language


Translated Language


Number Of Words

Number of words translated on this contribution: 1038.

Proofread Words

Still pending.

Previous translation on the same project

Some screenhots of the work done:




By @eliasjloreto

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors