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A place to leverage on Talent (

This blog will be my first blog post about the knacksteem project. I wrote this publication, because of the contest organized by the platform a few ago. I was pretty busy, and I couldn't post while the competition was on. Nevertheless, I don't want to let this go, and I decided to post mine and promote one of my favorites projects on Steem.

I love anything that involves 'do what you can.' I always tell myself, it’s better to try and fail than never to try at all. We are in a world where skills that were considered non-valuable turned out to be the most paid. So, it's imperative for everyone to try, and showcase what so ever they can do.

Knacksteem is a project built by @knowledges in the early months of 2018. I can’t read his mind. However, with what I understand with the first post of the project, he was moved because of the situation of people with talents. There is no how a human will exist without a unique gift. Most people find it difficult to know what their ability is.

There was a time I asked a friend, what you can do best? His response was Hmmm! I can do many things. I said to myself ''he hasn’t discovered his purpose.''

There are two sets of people. People who know what they can do, and people who are trying to figure out what they can do.
Knacksteem exists for people that know what they can do best, and they are determined in doing it.

My definition for knacksteem!

Knacksteem is a home built on the solid foundation of the Steem blockchain, for everyone to showcase what they can do best. While you showcase, Knacksteem is so liberal that they reward your work, and expose your talent to the world.

The word talent is like a plot of many fruits. Many people have a different ability, and knacksteem put this into consideration. They created the platform with varieties of categories. All the available classes might not be able to contain every talent that is possible in the world. However, they are wide enough to hold basic, and collective skills.

Many people have written about knacksteem categories and features. This post is about Knacksteem features and others. However, I won't be focusing on general features anyone can understand by reading through the landing page. I will focus on a few things I know about the project. The value the project will have in the coming months based on my thought. Also, I will fling a little about a few features, and I will share my ideas.

If you are conversant with Knacksteem, you would agree that the project is still in alpha stage. Some features are yet to work, but the basis for everyone to post, and enjoy the platform are available.

I will say a little about the categories.

Diy:- Do it yourself. I choose this category first because it's one of the categories I love. If you watch YouTube video frequently, you will understand the importance of DIY. It helps reduce cost, safe time. Some people call it ''life hackers.''

The idea is simple: People that know how to create things that could be beneficial to others can showcase through the category. You only need to document all the process, add video if possible, and publish. It could be anything.

Altruism:- Altruism is another category I like so much. Some people create things to make the earth more livable. Altruism is a category for everybody to post their good deeds for others to get inspired. A video that shows how you feed the poor, how you give to less privilege or anything you can do that is meant for the good of humanity. Knacksteem wants to see them.

Music:- Music is the food for the mind. The global music industry is growing daily. Every individual has their own choice of music. It could be R&B, Reggae, Hip pop and so on. I’m a fan of every soft beat.

Gaming:- Evolution has affected many things. I can remember when my mum used to spank me for spending all my time on Super Mario back in the '90s. It's a kind of experience I can never forget. It's lovely to see the changes now. There are thousands of professional gamers around the world, doing what they like, and they make decent cash out of it. This category is dedicated to people to review new games and new features in games.


Documentary:- This category is primarily for anything. Whatever you do and you can write a piece of detailed information about it. Such as movies. Farming, and more. I think this category is a supplemented category to avoid restrictions.

I don't want to write walls of text on categories. I have read a lot of excellent blogs by other contributors about the categories. There are also exciting categories like Tech trend, Fashion, Art, and Humor.

How and when to leverage on knacksteem.

The activities on the Steem Blockchain has been low relatively. I can still remember when thousands of post flow in the blockchain in a day. The current crypto price has affected many things. However, significantly, there are ways we can still leverage the BC by utilizing dapps that are specific in the things we do. As explained in some paragraph above, Knacksteem allows all individual to post/showcase whatever they can do. The most natural category to take advantage is the Documentary. Looking at those categories, some may seem a little bit tedious to contribute. The availability of the Documentary category makes posting to be very easy.

The time to contribute is now. The project is still new, and all process are still fresh. The project token is still new, and early adopters could earn many tokens for themselves.

You and I can leverage on knacksteem by contributing or delegating to the project. A lot of amazing people has already shown good commitments, by supporting the project with some portion of their SP. Moreover, I am glad to see this. I am not the kind of person that makes bold claims on matters, but with the zeal and dedication of the project owner. I think the project is moving to somewhere great.

Is knacksteem a project to catch some fun?

The social media has been the center for information and fun. A decent amount of people surfing the net are doing that to read current news, catch fun, meet new people and get happy. Knacksteem is also a place to find some fun.
Although the project is still young, and there aren't many people posting through it. While the sole aim is to showcase talent, the epitome of fun is attached to some categories, such as Joke/humor, Music, DIY, Fashion and a few others. Happiness is everyone's primary goal in life. Knacksteem wants to keep people happy, while they earn.

Do knacksteem have the keys to retain talented individuals?

As a new, and upcoming project, many things are slow. Some people might feel Knacksteem is still a young company and doesn't have the keys to retain and manage talented individuals. I think that isn't completely right. Knacksteem value and cherish talent. I believe the project is not built out of fleeting thought. I agree that Knacksteem understands the importance of Recognition and Rewards. The project is based on Steem, but I can see it as a company which manages talent. Rewarding users/member is one of the critical keys to retaining skills. Some people are creating value, and not getting value back is like a full wasted effort. The recognition is there to show their value on the people that create value via the platform. It helps to supplement the rewards, and this will make everyone happy.


Knacksteem is here and doing great. There has been much improvement in the project. If you check the project often, you would agree the project is growing at a steady pace. I think the important thing is growth. As the saying goes; ''whether you are crawling, walking, running or flying, make sure you are moving forward''. I am happy to see the progress on the project. KNT is another thing I value so much. It is another benefit for users/member of the community. I wish the Project greater success as they move to the next level.

Thank you for reading!

Resources (Images)

The first and probably the only in this series.

Knacksteem repository: