Utopian-score: See your contribution score

What is the project about?

Quality is what matters most on Utopian

Utopian-score is a web app for seeing a contribution score on utopian.io. In utopian-io, contributions that are bringing more value to their projects will have higher rewards. So if you want higher rewards, you must get higher score.

You can try it HERE.

Actually, all contributions have a score that indicated the value of your contribution. This is hidden by default in utopian.io. But the score and answered questions from the moderator can be found in json_metadata of your post.

Utopian-score can view your score and answered questions from the moderator, see the result then evaluated it, so you can make a better contribution in the future.

How to

Just copy-paste your reviewed utopian link here


  • View answered questions about a contribution

for example: here are my answered questions in development category:


  • View score of a contribution

At very bottom of the result, you can see the score



  • Will not work on older contributions that don't implement score.

Technology Stack

I made it with a rare combination of react and coffeescript. Boilerplating the project with coffee-react-boilerplate.

The logic is simple:

First, get author and permlink from URL.
Then, using fetch, fetch data from api.steemit.com then parse json_metadata from it. As i said before, score and questions can be found in json_metadata.


parsed json_metadata of utopian contribution

Last, don't forget to render it with react + coffeescript.
Look at this source code.




  • Login feature: so you can see all of your contribution score at once. No need to copy-paste
  • Summary: for example your contribution structure and language is good but don't have high enough impact and still too simple

How to contribute?

Github: https://github.com/damaera/utopian-score
You can fork the project, and install it locally. then make a PR

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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