Handy websites(part 1)


Hello there! I've decided to start a new series on useful websites that will most likely make your life easier. In each post of this series, I'll introduce you to three useful websites, so let's get started.

1. remove.bg


As shown in the image and the name of the website, it removes the background from your images. It detects and removes edges using artificial intelligence. After that, you can choose between a colored or transparent background. I personally tried it out a few times and was very pleased with the results.

2. theinpaint.com


This one is also image-related, but instead of removing the background, you're removing unwanted objects without messing up the image, which means you can easily repair old photos with scratches, spots, and tears with just a few clicks.

3. www.flightradar24.com


This tool allows you to view live air traffic, which can be useful if you're waiting for someone on a plane and want to know where they are right now.

And if you're wondering how they got this information, it's as follows:

Flightradar24 combines data from several data sources including ADS-B, MLAT and radar data. The ADS-B, MLAT, and radar data are aggregated together with schedule and flight status data from airlines and airports to create a unique flight tracking experience on www.flightradar24.com (source)

So that concludes this post; I hope you found it useful; please let me know if you think I should continue writing posts like this, and have a wonderful day.

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