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Mattis Calls Space a ‘Developing War Zone,’ Mulls Creating Combatant Command Before Space Force

  • The Illuminist MIC is preparing to attack the Lord Jesus Christ on His 2nd Coming.
  • Mattis Calls Space a ‘Developing War Zone,’ Mulls Creating Combatant Command Before Space Force
    US Defense Secretary James Mattis says the Pentagon agrees with President Donald Trump on viewing space as a possible battlefield and is considering setting up a combatant command until the Space Force can be created.

    “We need to address space as a developing war-fighting domain, and a combatant command is certainly one thing that we can establish,” Mattis told reporters on Tuesday, adding that the Pentagon is “in complete alignment” with Trump’s concerns about protecting US assets in space.

    “We’re going to have to address it as other countries show a capability to attack those assets,”the secretary added.

    Trump issued a directive in June to begin preparations for creating the Space Force as a separate branch of the US military, along with the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. Doing so will ultimately require an act of Congress, however.

    “We are working our way through all this,” Mattis said. “The vice president is kind-of the point man for the president on this, we are working daily with his office and with supporters on Capitol Hill and the relevant committees.”

    Though Mattis was opposed to the idea of setting up a space force last year, he seems to have come around to Trump’s viewpoint that space “is a war-fighting domain just like the land, air, and sea.”

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Get the message? 2Thess. 2:9-12 – strong delusion, power, signs and lying wonders! “Good Aliens” and “Evil Aliens” HOAX! Click in image to goto article!


Get the message? 2Thess. 2:9-12 – strong delusion, power, signs and lying wonders! Preparations to attack Jesus Christ on His 2nd coming! The “Evil Aliens” HOAX!