The house of debt dominoes waiting to fall.


The US is a house of debt dominoes lined up and waiting to fall. A US collapse to some magnitude was nearly inevitable since our overlords began and continued in earnest, shipping factories, jobs, and tax revenues to low wage countries following the 1973 Arab oil embargo.

Since then, add handouts to the largest banks and multinational corporations, plus the expense of war crimes to generate taxpayer funded elite profits, and now the expense of hyping Covid with “free” vaccines and more bailouts while putting the burden on future taxpayers - and it’s easy to see fifty years of globalist policies were, intentionally or not, extracting the wealth right out of the US at the expense of future generations.

I’m thinking once the collapse hits bottom, the US will be broken similar to the way Germany was broken after international bankers had their politician and media puppets blame WWI on the Germans with the Versailles Treaty which impoverished them through reparations debt that, somewhat ironically, is what opened the door for a Hitler type character. World Wars I and II still aren’t accurately depicted in the “official” Western narratives today while the truth itself is a danger to the globalist elites.

Without adjustments made to debt levels through what were historically termed as ‘debt jubilees’ that predate Christ, I believe a serious crash is inevitable because of present circumstances combined with the laws and practices in place. I also believe the looming crash could be avoided if a more accurately informed public had real leadership willing to impose some modicum of justice on the people and organizations that drove and benefited from past criminal policies; but honestly that’s asking for quite a lot given all that people don’t know and don’t really want to know while so many consistently run from and deny the truth exactly as propaganda programmed the general population. It looks like most going to hold their breath and hope the manufactured global economic crash doesn’t happen to them.

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