Up voting is noble but a comment shapes one

This is my opinion. Several people have expressed a lot against self voting. Those who selfvote are free to do so. Just upvoting is not enough.l feel sincere comments are helpful to the one who is posting an article. The comments you post after upvoting, help to mould oneself in the right direction. You upvoting what you appreciate. However if you feel you have to make a negative comment you have to be diplomatic. Give the upvote than the downvoting.

However l feel it is unwise to upvoting oneself.ln life no one correct oneself. It is others who see ones weaknesses and strengths.. self praising has no recommendation. It is others who recommend to take the post or not than oneself .lt is others who recommend you to be promoted or not. The same with upvoting , it is wise for others to do so. Let's not be biased to get money at the expense of moulding the society and future generations.. So let's not be driven by money to selfvote. How is your selfvote going to build the community. I feel selfvote will promote greed, selfishness ,corruption and any other evils you can think of. Let's uplift and appreciate other by upvoting and commenting. IMG_9933.JPG

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