CBI Token Update LAST EVER?


Could this be the end of steem?
Could this be the end of cbi?
Simple short answer No!

I firmly believe it is not the end of either steem or cbi.
However with all the drama it could seem like the end of the road.
CBI was set up to help investors get crazy returns and help curate the little guys.
If you have followed me from the start you will know I am here til the end no matter which way it pans out.
Currently we are at a crossroads it could go either way.
We are still confident this will end in a positive outcome as it is in noones interest otherwise.
When we started round 3 we did consider future developments hense only sold a limited amount of tokens most have been sold back due to people's confidence wavering.
Due the current climate we are not able to do half the things we do to buyback cbi tokens.
We have decided to remove buyback orders.
Everyone will continue receiving divs(if se keeps working)
Anyone holding bought cbi tokens can dm me and sell back to me directly.
Remainder of sp delegation will continue receiving divs.
This will give a chance to believers to pick up cheap cbi as none believers dump.
As soon as we have everything running with some normality we will commence buybacks.
Therefore noones money invested is at risk and sp delegations are the only thing you need to consider.
Noone has pulled any sp delegation and we hope they don't as everything was going pretty much close to perfect.
We can assure you again we don't plan on going anywhere so it's down to you to decide.
We never targeted whales and always wanted to have a tight investor group that all stuck together and we hope this to be the case.
If things work out for the better you will all have good divs compounded over the coming days weeks.
We will do another update as within the next week and will do a smaller buyback after discussing with investors.
Feel free to drop in ufm discord for any questions suggestions views etc.
Thank you in advance
Happy Investing

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