Here We Go Again :: An Update

Looking at the last post on my Steem blog, I see it's been 18 days since I last posted.

Really? 18 days...?

It hasn't seemed like that long, but I suppose the post metadata doesn't lie. But life has been busy recently, so the days have been flying by. As they often do, I suppose, but even more so recently. I recently had some big changes in life and am still getting settled from them, so I haven't had much computer time. Also, I have been having wifi issues, which have been making the little computer time I get somewhat frustrating.

But things are finally settling and I am getting this wifi situation under control, so I will hopefully begin posting more consistently again. I also have two active contests that I need to announce the winners for, so I need to get those posted soon.

Anyway, just an update here to let you guys know what's going on.

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