Never give up !!!

If you are in the middle of the tunnel, and you have only 2 options, what will you choose ?

One of the ends of the tunnel is dark and it's going down. The other end of the tunnel, you can see a light and it's going up.
You can't think too much because you are stuck in there, and your body is getting heavier and heavier.
So the only thing that you can do is to exclude the option of giving up before even trying.
I mean why would you give up?
Really do deserve to give up?
What is more scary ?
The thinking of knowing that you will never get the chance to see the light ?
Or the thinking of trying to rich the light, but you keep saying to yourself ; I can't do it !
But you want to see the light so bad, and you want to get out of there because you feel like you can't stay there anymore, you start to feel suffocated.
Ignore when people are asking :" how did you get there ?"
Because if you listen to what people are saying, you will be distracted and instead of thinking how to get out of there, you start to feel bad for yourself and keep thinking about people's reactions after you get out.

Why would you care of what others think ?
First of all you have to get out and reach the light for yourself.
And if you ask for help, instead of throwing a rope to help you, they start talking like you are not there.


You can say that the victory is yours when you fight for yourself by yourself.


What you can do is to keep pushing yourself and say ; I am a little bit closer to the light, I want to make it.
Believe me, it is very scary to give up.
And you know what ?
If you fall down, you may survive, you may not.
But if you don't survive, I find it very selfish, because if you do that, means you were thinking only about yourself.
Just do it when you're feeling ready and push yourself till you get out.
There is no point in taking a break because you will make your way out harder and will make the situation more difficult.
And those people around that tunnel, let them behind, talking, and go on the way that makes you feel like home.
Just think.... You will have so much time to get rest after you succeed.
And who is feeling proud ?

You !!!
Because you can get back to your normal life!
I really hope this will inspire people who have the dream of reaching the light, but they feel discouraged.



Stay strong and keep fighting.
In one day, all of that, will disappear !

Thank you very much everyone!

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