a glimpse of three renowned campuses in Lhokseumawe

following a brief profile about the campus in Lhokseumawe

  1. Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe
    Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic is one of the State Polytechnic of 43 State Polytechnic in Indonesia. The history of Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic can not be separated from the role of Syiah Kuala University as the parent and embryo of the birth of Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic. Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic is the only State Polytechnic located in Aceh Province. The Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic Building and facility was established in 1985 with assistance from World Bank XIII and began organizing education since October 5, 1987, under the name of Polytechnic of Syiah Kuala University. Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic transformed from Polytechnic of Syiah Kuala University to Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic based on Decree of Education Minister No. 100 / O / 1997 dated May 9, 1997

  2. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) of Lhokseumawe or IAIN Lhokseumawe is one of three State Universities in Lhokseumawe Aceh, Indonesia. Previously IAIN Lhokseumawe was named STAIN Malikussaleh, the founder of the first Islamic empire in the archipelago, namely Samudera Pasai. But the change of status also changed the name of this campus, based on presidential decree.
    IAIN Lhokseumawe continues to improve with the development of institutional and human resources. Institutional development, among others, in the form of additional courses at the level of bachelor and master degree. In the field of human resources campus parties continue to encourage lecturers for further study of doctoral level. Currently the majority of lecturers have doctoral degrees and have an academic position lector head. The development of the IAIN campus is manifested through the motto of Campus Peradaban. Where the campus is expected to be central in realizing civil soceity at local, national and international levels.

  3. Universitas Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe (Unimal)
    Malikussaleh University (abbreviated UNIMAL) is a state university whose main campus is now located in Reuleuet, Aceh Utara District, Aceh, Indonesia. The current rector of Malikussaleh University is Prof. Dr. Apridar, M.Si. Campus Unimal There are several campus that is the main campus is located on Jl. Medan - Banda Aceh, Cot Tengku Nie, Reuleuet, Kab. Aceh Utara, and other campus are located in 3 locations namely Bukit Indah, Cunda and Lancang garam.
    As the forerunner of Malikussaleh University originated from menjelmanya Sharia Academy of Religious Sciences which was established by the Decree of Regent / Head of Region II North Aceh Number: 01 / TH / 1969 dated June 12, 1969, during the Regent Drs. Tgk. Abdul Wahab Dahlawy. Subsequently dated September 15, 1970 with the Decree of KDH Regent Level II North Aceh Number: 01 / TH / 1970 The Academy of Religious Sciences (AIA) is also equipped with the Department of Political Science. With the Notarial Deed No. 15 dated July 17, 1971, the Foundation of Islamic Universities (YPTI) was established as the body responsible for the development of the Academy of Religious Sciences. Then with the Decree of Islamic Higher Education Foundation Number: 001 / YPTI / 1971 dated August 1, 1971, the Academy of Religious Sciences changed its name to Islamic College with majors Shariah Academy, Academy of Political Sciences, majoring in Academy Tarbiyah, and majors Dayah Tinggi / Pesantren Luhur . This Islamic College has changed its name again to Islamic University Malikussaleh (abbreviated as PERTIM), through the Decree of the Foundation of Islamic High School on May 24, 1972. In 1980 became the Foundation of University of Malikussaleh with the abbreviation UNIMA.

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