Flower - I Make it Brighter and the Opposite of Love

This is happy me:

My name is EthanFlower. I am an Artist, Actor, Performer, Poet, Singer and Technology Enthusiast. I am excited to be here in the Steemit community and I look forward to sharing my truth with you all. I love to speak the truth. My truth is sometimes your truth and sometimes not, but I strive to make it the utmost truth. Sometimes my truth upsets people as truth can be a hard pill to swallow. Or it can bring joy as it resonates so strongly with you that you understand it as clearly as you hear a sound that brings you joy.

This is happy me: this is happy me

I share my truth in many ways: I play and invent characters and post videos. I share poems and songs that awaken or delight and perhaps even offend. I expound in writings such as this post. I will try my hardest to always post out of love and not from fear. Because this I see as my ultimate goal in life. To love every moment and make my every move and decision from a place of love. Through this I believe I can grow in my best fashion as a human being the way that I personally desire to grow and change.

For the longest time in my life I used to believe that the opposite of love was hate. I tried to figure out why I was so angry with my family, with myself and why I hated certain people or certain things and situations. I tried to learn what drove hatred in the world? In my world. It was not until a few years ago that the answer that I was searching for shone brightly to me. It was not really how and why myself and others could hate. It was how I and others were afraid, living in fear and generating hate from that fear. Fear was the root. Fear I finally learned is the opposite to Love.

So when people everywhere do things out of hatred they do things out of fear. Think about that. It's deep and profound and holds all the answers to all the questions that we have about ourselves, our past, our reactions, our actions and other people's actions. I have found that people act and react from two places. Love and Fear. I will explore this with you much more. Sometimes through humor and sometimes seriously.

This is Serious Me: Alt Text

I also understand that there is an ultimate balance in the world and universe. We need both fear and love. They drive us to decisions. This balance is seen by some as their god or religion. I see it as mother nature, God, or just simply the Balance of the Universe. If I have a religion it is Balance. The trust that the Universe has all that we need to exist and to be creative full human beings. It offers us all a balance. Whatever thoughts and desires and wants that we have, the universe will fulfill for us through its divine generous and natural share of balancing.

So, go out today or tomorrow and think about what I have spoken. Ask yourself slowly, and simply, and quietly. Do you act and react out of love or fear in your everyday decisions, large and small? Let me and others know how it goes and what you learn. It's a huge new world when we understand more of how we love and fear in it.

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