The system is NOT broken. In fact, it is working exactly as designed!

For me it seems futile to spend so much energy trying to fix something that is not broken.  While millions continue to lobby and vote, believing that the system is broken, what is really broken is our perception of what the system is designed to do. Once we fix that perception, then we will realize that the system is actually working perfectly. That realization will spawn a mass exodus from it in order to find proper remedies for what we need in our lives as the system will never be capable of meeting them.   

So what is the system REALLY designed to do?

Serve the King (Queen) at the King's (Queen's) prerogative.   

It is ALL about her!  

Say what?

This is not about providing for the people. Not even close. If you think it is then you have been hoodwinked. Let me explain what that means and I want to start about 2950 years ago. This issue has been going on for thousands of years and we still have not gotten the message.   

And Samuel told all the words of the LORD unto the people that asked of him a king. And he said, This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, and appoint [them] for himself, for his chariots, and [to be] his horsemen; and [some] shall run before his chariots. And he will appoint him captains over thousands, and captains over fifties; and [will set them] to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and instruments of his chariots. And he will take your daughters [to be] confectionaries, and [to be] cooks, and [to be] bakers. And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, [even] the best [of them], and give [them] to his servants. And he will take the tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers, and to his servants. And he will take your menservants, and your maidservants, and your goodliest young men, and your asses, and put [them] to his work. He will take the tenth of your sheep: and ye shall be his servants. - 1 Samuel 8:10-17

I spoke of this passage in my book. Most priests and ministers associated this passage with the dogma of the corporate religious empires they represent. They use it to justify and support the state. But that is NOT the message of this passage. This passage is a warning about the consequences of rejecting Creator for a King to rule over people.   

And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them. - 1 Samuel 8:7

When we get a king to rule over us, we end up swearing fealty to that king and rejecting Creator in the same breath. As a result, we swore an oath that we would serve the king and end up owing service to him. That service comes in the form of fees, taxes, labour and natural resources.  The King / Queen owns everything, including you.    

Elected representatives

When people elect a representative (because nobody is allowed to 'present' themselves directly) those representatives usually belong to a party and an invitation is then sent to a party to form the government. The voters granted these people a power of attorney to act on their behalf but those people did not become the government because of the vote, they became the government because they received an invitation from the Governor General to form the government. The representatives owe no duty to the voter. The Governor General then invites key members of the Government into the executive branch of government by making them members of the Privy Council. It is here they become 'Ministers' and one is given the title of Prime Minister. 

Minister: 1. A servant, attendant 2. One who acts as the agent or representative of a superior. 3. A high officer of state.  

A 'Minister' or 'Prime Minister' don't serve the people. They are appointed to serve the Governor General and represent the Governor General in the administrative functions of government while he and his Privy Counsel take on the Executive functions of government. They represent their superior, the Governor General, who in turn represents his / her superior The Queen. They all swear an oath to serve the Queen, not the people!  

Every single individual in Canada has been commanded to be obedient and to be of service to the Governor General to help him/her in the execution of his/her duties. What are the Governor Generals duties? Serve the Queen.   The people are merely pawns in their game of chess to rule vast empires for the Kings / Queens own pleasure. As a result, you are commanded to be obedient and to provide your service and loyalty to your feudal lord and to help in any way possible. 

The warnings about this relationship has been around for thousands of years. The statutes and regulations are only there to keep order and to outline your duties to your master. If it seems unfair then you are welcome to complain or protest to your master for better treatment, benefits or privileges. A few minor changes can be negotiated to appease the people.   However, the foundational structures are firmly entrenched: Command and control over people and all the resources for the enjoyment and use of the King.   Like I said, it is working perfectly. If we really want to save this planet, each other and start the healing process we cannot do it as the King / Queen has zero interest in that end goal. We must reject the King and embrace Creator instead if we really want to find peace and true freedom.   Children protest and complain while adults take action and do what it takes to remedy a wrong. Citizens are children, vulnerable and needing protecting. To be an adult requires making a separation and no longer having the King govern but instead accept Creator to reign instead.   

Rejecting the King gives us greater authority and power

When we make this change we can now confront the King on a position of authority and power as an adult, rather than from a position of a child. Because the Kingdom of God is within us, we stand within that spiritual jurisdiction when we embrace Creator rather than the king. Spiritual jurisdiction trumps the Kings fictional jurisdiction. The king will whine, complain, make all kinds of noise and even resort to threats, violence or coercion. However, if we stand our ground the King must bow down to the superior jurisdiction. This position takes a lot of courage, support, knowledge and a bit of crazy too.   

This is the approach I've chosen to take in order to stand up and confront them all. There is no magic process or template to follow. This is not about getting permission from the King to be free or finding some hidden secret within their system that makes one free.  This is about rejecting it all and taking a leap of faith and becoming a thorn in the kings side. To do so requires that we return to the land and provide for all our needs as we must reject all the benefits and privileges from the king. This is no easy task but one that will result in fixing the violence and coercion that we witness every day. This step is how we can protect children and send a strong, clear message back to the servants, citizens, ministers and governors that rule the Kings empire.   

Freedom is not found in manipulating the system.  That is not possible.  When ever somebody gets to a position of power they must abandon their morals and ethics in order to swear an oath to serve.  Freedom is found by taking the steps to be free of the state DESPITE it.  The state is not yours, but rather belongs to the King.  Time to find a new form of governance, self-governance!  

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