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Big changes on the way. Are you ready?

While I must acknowledge that I'm no financial expert, I do watch what is going on in the world and I listen to spirit and my gut.  When I listen, things go well for us as we usually find ways to work around the chaos and violence of the world.  Well, the bells are tolling and what I see does not look good, so I'm moved to share what I've found.

Spirit is telling me to focus on growing food this year and to get ready for chaos as financial systems will fail.  Here is some of the hints that I received.

In the last three months the total crypto market has doubled in value after a year of major losses and declines.  While a lot of this is associated with the fall and rise of Bitcoin, many of the other cryptos are making similar moves.  When I took a look at the price of gold, I saw similar moves there as well.

With the recent news that the Fed is going to lower interest rates, there is fear that they will not be able to contain inflation as they put themselves into a no win situation.  They have inflated the fiat currency so much with the Quantitative Easing programs since 2008 that the financial system will implode under the weight of debt that they created.  The smart money is rushing for the exits into alternatives like gold and cryptos.  

Bitcoin has doubled its value in the last three months.  But what is Steem doing during this mad rush out of fiat currencies?  Sadly, it is floundering and not taking advantage of these moves at all!  I grabbed this screen shot this morning:

While the market has doubled, steem has dropped in price over the same three month period and dropped to 69th in the ranking of all the cryptocurrencies.  When I started with steem back in October 2017 I witnessed it hit record highs and it was around 20th highest ranking in regards to capitalization.  I'm deeply concerned that steem will drop out of the top 100 if it continues this downward slide.  Everyone has a role to play in order to turn this around.  The witnesses are working hard to discuss how this can be done and I support those discussions.  We will need a form of currency to trade with one another when the fiat currencies tank in the near future.  These currencies will be critical as people will need them in order to tool up and prepare for the next phase:  learning how to grow their own food, collect water and build off-grid shelters.

While I'm at it, I also want to comment on the new crypto that Facebook and a whole host of other multi-national corporations are creating:  Libra.  While this crypto will have the backing of dozens or perhaps hundreds of corporations, it is still backed by fiat currency and other fictional constructs of the current financial system.  You trade in a dollar and you get a Libra.  Trade in a Libra and you get a dollar back.  But what happens when their reserve (fiat dollars) collapses?  Say good bye to the Libra as well.  I wonder if this is a ploy to take the rest of the live stock's (people) money to ensure complete poverty and dependency when they crash the system.  I will avoid Libra like it is the bubonic plague.  

Despite all that is going on with these markets, one truth will always remain:  You cannot eat bits, bytes, gold, paper, cotton rag or plastic.  The whole world is nearly completely dependent upon the industrial food system, industrial energy system, political systems, economic systems, etc and when all those systems crash, so too will our ability to find food or travel to get it.  No matter what investments one has, investing in knowledge and health is the only true investments that cannot be manipulated or destroyed by somebody else.  Now is the time to start learning how to grow your own food, collect clean drinking water and build shelter for you and your family.  Yes, our investments in crypto currencies, real money like gold and silver will help during the transition.  But there will come a point where we may loose access to much of these forms of currency and when that happens we will have to depend on our own knowledge, wisdom and experiences to survive these coming changes.  

How many people are depending on their investments in currencies and other assets in order to live through the chaos, hoping that they can buy what they need?  I'll say this again; nobody will not be able to buy or sell without the mark and that will be coming sooner than we realize.  If we want to avoid complete slavery, we must return to the land, reconcile our relationship with Creator and Mother Earth.  Our needs will be met when we do that, but it will require significant investment in relationships that most of us has ignored for far too long.  It requires a lot of work, learning, time, practice, planning and patience.   I've been speaking on these topics for well over a decade and the vast majority of my blog is dedicated to these topics.  The blockchain will be here for a while yet.  Download my posts, print them out, start working on your own independence from the whole entire system.  

The powers that be are so desperate now, that their actions and behaviours are blatant, public and violent.  Just a few nights ago, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney was handing out ear plugs in the legislative assembly and telling his caucus they were for plugging their ears so that they did not have to listen to the opposition party debate a labor bill.  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau acknowledges the genocide of indigenous women and girls, parliament passes a climate emergency declaration a few days ago and the very next day he approves the Trans-Mountain Pipeline.  

Actions speak louder than words and their actions are showing that they are going to move ahead with their plans, despite the insanity of it all.  They don't care about the well being of people.  All they care about is implementing their end game.  I see life threatening chaos unfolding as a result and we are all prudent to secure what we need in order to survive the chaos. 

I have a dear friend in Nicaragua (@cecicastor) who has shared many stories about what is going on there.  Guess what she had to do?  Grow her own food, collect her own drinking water and secure her compound to protect people from the violence.  We witness the same going on in Argentina when their currency collapsed.  Many other countries around the world are on the brink of war & chaos.  Now the war drums are beating as the US marches towards Iran.  They need the war to keep their currency as the world reserve currency, so they are doing everything they can to manufacture that war.  If their currency looses world reserve currency status, they are done as it is the only thing keeping their currency and economy alive right now.  When the US currency collapses, the whole world will be at war and they are dangerously close to that event unfolding.  That will impact every region of the world.  There is no where to run to avoid this shit.

So while this seems alarmist, I cannot express enough how important it is that each and every single one of us starts to take actions to mitigate the risks that are unfolding around the world.  Our investment in cryptos will only help us through the transition between being dependent upon the system and learning how to live off ALL the grids.  There will come a point where I believe that cyrptos and other asset classes will also be unavailable for us to use.  At that point we will meet the Creator face to face and have to answer to our actions.  Will we survive, thrive or perish?  That all depends on our relationship with Creator and Mother Earth, not with the fictional constructs that we have all depended on for far too long.  We need food, water, air, clothing and shelter to survive.  Only Mother Earth can provide the materials to fulfill those needs.

Judgement day is coming and I will do what I can to help you all make that transition ... if you are able and willing to do the work!  That choice is and always will be up to each individual to make.  If not, then feel free to keep going with the systems in place and do your best there.  In the end, it ALL depends on Mother Earth and Creator.  My faith in people and their ability to act in honour when under extreme stress is near zero.  So I'll walk my path instead.  My thoughts and prayers are to us all as I see MAJOR changes starting to unfold.  
