What to do when you get to the office?

I do not want to sleep in the night while sleeping. Especially in the office, Sleep comes often to work. And if you give it a little piston, it does not take time to get converted to sleep.

Sleep well But during the time of uneven sleep as obstacles to work, so much fatigue brings. So if you want to keep your sleeping in the office, do some work-

If you get too much sleep in the office, drink a glass of water. Wash a little with water on your face. Sleep will be seen.

Break without doing the work continuously. If you sit in one place, you can come to sleep. So sometimes take a little walk. Will sleep
Keep in mind, the light of the office room is quite bright. Because the light can come to light in the light. If possible, arrange for sunlight to enter.

Do not drink tea or coffee soon after lunch. Drink at least half an hour later.

Practice to get up early as soon as possible. The body and mind will be full of breathlessness all day long and will be able to get back to work.

Lunch is not too heavy. Try to eat nutritious food. In this, the body will remain healthy and will not sleep.

They get more sleep because of any food made from sugar or sugar. So after leaving the office, stay away from such foods.

Do not be alone, give a little chat with the colleagues at work. You can talk about non-office issues.

If you can sleep, go to the toilet and go to the toothpaste if possible. You will be seen to be sleepy.

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