A second chance for your funny post- UnderratedPostChallenge

The idea of competition

Since I was a kid I always loved the idea of competition and because of that, I tried different competitive games and sports. First competitive sport I practiced being a kid was Karate Kyokushin (I was around 7 years old) and first competitive game I played was chess.(playing with my dad and my brothers, a very big competition for me at that time).

Growing up I started to love and practice sports like handball, soccer; I played a lot of PC games and most of them were strategies games.

Competition and making money

The thing that impacted me most was online poker; when I discovered the possibility to make money from playing poker I started to do some research and learned more about poker and how to improve my skills.

To be a good competitor it takes a lot of research and learning about strategies; in order to improve your skills, you need a lot of time. Because I didn't have much time left for the people in my life, I stopped playing poker.

Steemit and how it has impacted me

The impact that Steemit had on me is much bigger than any sports or games had because it allows me to improve other skills that I can use in real life. Steemit drives me to improve my blogging skills, makes me learn how to write better and correct in English;people will appreciate the work you are doing by rewarding you with upvotes and great comments on your posts.

The challenge

The first challenge that I participated was Steemit Photo Challenge and I enjoyed competing even if I didn't win anything; I learned that I need to improve my photography skills.

Because of that I want to start a new challenge for people who believe that their post was funny and they didn't get rewarded.

The name of this challenge is : #UnderratedPostChallenge

The reason I'm doing this is to give another chance to all users that believe they are funny. Maybe we missed their funny posts, or maybe they should improve their skills, and maybe people will leave each other some tips or suggestions to improve their work.

The Theme for #UnderratedPostChallenge is very simple:

  • I'm loking for funny posts who had low payout (under 1 dollar) .

The Rules And Conditions

Please read these carefully

  • Because is not possible to change your the title and the tags after the payout period ,you have to leave a comment below with the link of you chossen funny post you made.
  • I encourage you to post original work to this challenge
  • The post can't be older then 10 days, just in case someone loves your post and wants to upvote it.
  • The payout for your post must be under $1 dollar
  • Deadline is midnight my time (UTC+3) on Saturday

The prizes are:

First place : 15 Steem dollars

Second place: 10 Steem dollars

Third place: 5 Steem dollars

I know it isn't much but it's all I can afford for the moment.

In my other post I pledged that I will Power Up every dollar I make on any post or comment during a week, but this is another kind of Powering Up by giving the chance to other Steemians to Power it UP. </p>

The winners

Will be announced in a new post on Sunday night.

I hope you like this idea, and motivate others who might give up and show them how they can improve their posts.

If you have any sugestions please comment below.

What are you waiting for? Start comment below with the link you want to participate!


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