2022 Food Photography Series by @tegoshei (February Edition)

February has just ended, so it's about time I share my collection of photos of food my family and I shared for that month. I am quite excited because I am about to share quite a number of dishes. There were several more than this, but I already shared them in other posts, so the food collection you're about to see are fresh or my first time sharing them.


I hope you enjoy. Get your mouth and stomach ready!



What you see above is actually a new recipe mama tried making last month. It's a pork and eggplant dish. We usually either saute, grill or fry eggplants. At times, we also make eggplant omelette. However in this dish, mama sauteed the eggplant with some diced pork. As for the seasoning, soy sauce was the main factor. It was so delicious. I like the combination of pork and eggplant. I mean, I love sauteed eggplant, and adding pork to it made it so much better. ;)



Sweet and sour fish. I want to be able to eat this again, but I'm no longer able to take in fish in my system which sucks big time. Anyway, my parents enjoyed this dish, so it's okay. Whenever they cook fish dishes, they usually prepare and entirely different dish for me. Oddly enough, I can still eat fish from tins like sardines and tuna... but other than those... T_T



This is another experimental dish made by my mama. I had to ask her again what it's called, but she actually doesn't know its name, so she told me to call it "Braised pork belly with egg". She also mentioned that this dish shouldn't have had much sauce, but since our family loves sauce, she modified it to this. Having some sauce poured over rice is simply the best, at least for me. ;)



This is boiled veggies (bisaya style). It's a common vegetable dish in my area and it's really healthy and delicious. People usually add some fish in it, but since I can't eat fish, we chose not to put anything. Instead, my parents fried some fish to eat together with this dish. And as for me, they cooked some fried pork or chicken to have together with it.



If I'm not mistaken, we had this pork adobo (bisaya style -- meaning, dry adobo) together with the veggie dish I shared above. My papa wasn't able to find good fish in the market, so we opted for pork to pair with the veggies. They actually go well together. It's saltiness can be washed out by the savory vegetable soup. Yum!!!



Another pork dish. It's a kind of stew but we usually use either pineapple juice or sprite in this. It can make the meat more tender and juicy. It also adds a little sweetness to the dish which is a nice combination with soy sauce. Some people add a bit of vinegar to such dishes, but my family doesn't really like doing so... that's why the slight sourness of pineapple would suffice. ^^



It's Chinese-style Fried Chicken from a Chinese fastfood chain called Chowking. When it comes to fried chicken, Jollibee's chickenjoy excels the best in the Philippines... however, I love Chowking's fried chicken more. I like how we can taste the spices in every bite. It's crispy and has a really good aroma. Recently, when we don't feel like cooking, Chowking delivery is the thing to do! It's worth the price since the chicken slices are big and we can actually have it for two meals, lunch and dinner. <3



Simple egg and Mandarin chorizo pancit canton. I believe some people also make a simple pancit canton dish like this, but it's not very common. Mostly, they add some veggies, meat, liver and even shrimp. However, if my family wants a quick and heavy meal, this is what we usually resort to. It looks darker because of soy sauce. I know it's not that healthy, but we really love putting soy sauce in most of our dishes. Sometimes, I even just put soy sauce on rice and I'm good to go. (I don't recommend it, though... haha)



Here's another experimental dish made by my mama. It's pork cooked in coconut milk. Also, don't be fooled by the chili pepper, it's only there for the photo. haha It's aesthetically pleasing, isn't it? ^^ The dish not spicy since my mama can't stand spicy dishes, but I love them, though. She said she's make me something spicy next time. Maybe, if you add chili to this dish, it would be much closer to a Bicol Express dish, though the cutting style of the meat is pretty much different. :)



Regular fried meatballs for lunch and a saucy sweet and sour meatballs for dinner. We love meatballs, but having the dry and normal meatballs isn't very tolerable to eat twice a day... so in the evening, the leftover ones were transformed into a much special meatball dish. I did mention my family loves sauce on rice, right? So, here's another proof! hahaha

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And that ends my food photo collection for the month of February. It was a really happy-tummy month for us. I hope March and the coming months would be the same.

Thanks a lot for checking this post out. I hope you enjoyed it! Which food do you think you'd like from this collection? Feel free to comment below. <3

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