Hive need real changes to grow

Welcome, Hivers Welcome all today is the 7th of March, and we are here to talk about the changes we need on Hive real changes in order to help Hive grow and to make Hive the best it can be. firstly we need to ensure that curators are being fair and unbiased when it comes to curating content on Hive.

At Bilpcoin we believe curators should focus more on the quality of the content they curate, not just support their friends and family. On Hive we also need to make sure curators are transparent about their curation process so all authors can understand why their content is being accepted or rejected. Finally, curators should leave comments on posts they curate and be open to feedback from authors. If necessary, curators should also be willing to make changes to their curation process quickly curators should be more active in engaging with authors and providing constructive feedback on their content.

These changes will make the Hive experience better and more enjoyable. Hive cannot grow without change. At Bilpcon we believe we need real change at the bottom and real change at the top. Hive can thrive but It will take a hell of a lot of time and work to get there because right now there is a lot of shady stuff happening behind the people's backs and by the people who hold a lot of power on Hive, but the power is not being used correctly it's being abused. The Hive Police abuse their power consistently and they only support the same people over and over again. You can check yourself, as we all know Hive transactions are open to see for the public, which is good and transparent. You can not hide anything.

Let's make it happen. Together, we can make Hive the best platform ever.

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