With UMTS into the Internet - this is how it works

As a result, the demand for mobile Internet has increased almost tenfold in recent years, and the possibilities for surfing on the go have increased considerably as a result. In this article, you'll learn a few details about the two most common ways to browse through millions of web pages on the fastest connection known as UMTS.

The possibilities

The two safest and at the same time fastest options are on the one hand to go via the smartphone into the Internet or via flat rate via the notebook or netbook. These two variants have also been accepted by mobile phone providers, meaning that tariffs are also available in quantities. Both options use the mobile network, i. e. UMTS (3G) or Edge, depending on the coverage. In any case, the data volume of the mobile flat rate must be taken into account in the contract for the smartphone, which is provided by the provider on a monthly basis and can be "surfed". As a guideline 200 MB per month can be given here, this is sufficient for normal surfers. However, if you play Youtube videos on the road or download small files every week, it gets tight with the 200 MB, but about 500 MB is recommended. A tethering function could also be interesting. This means that you can use your smartphone to set up a WLAN hotspot and then connect your notebook to the Internet via your smartphone. Two major drawbacks: The signal strength is partly very poor, only slow speeds are possible. It also consumes a lot of battery power from your phone. All in all, this variant is only for "occasional surfers". Commuters and students have little to do with this function.

The Surfstick

The easiest way to access the Internet with your notebook is to use a surfstick. This stick is plugged into the device via USB, then it is installed on the notebook by means of a setup CD. The stick contains a network chip, with which a connection via the mobile radio network is established. Here too, however, the higher the speed, the more you have to put on the table. A UMTS stick is particularly practical for long train journeys or longer stays outside your own four walls. Many telecommunications providers also offer notebooks with UMTS flats, although the receiver is already built into the notebook. This means that everyone can decide for themselves which solution is best suited to their needs.

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