Uloggers : Mother's Day.


Happy Mother's Day!!!!!! I am a mother, you are a mother, women are MOTHERS!. Happy anniversary to mothers the world over, you are greatly cherished by the life you keep birthing to this world. For the lives you nurture and groom into responsible adults making great influences to the world.

I am proud to be a woman, to give life and be the spring of life. To be given the responsibility to care, nurture and mould. To be a builder and supporter of life. Women are strong! Women are builders! Women are care providers! Women are beautiful! Without us this world won't have existence neither will there be multiplication. I am Unique, every woman is Unique.

To my mother, I say thank you.
To my daughters, I love you for coming forth from me.
To my husband, I love you too, thank you for being ever so supportive, you are the BEST and our children are proud of you!

keep spreading love.


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