Music life : Ulog #9 - Learning and improving the endless life of music.

I start playing instruments since I was in high school but after a long years of practicing still I dont master it all, just maybe because I dont focus on just 1 instrument before I step up with another? I thinks its not, because practicing can give you new learnings and by mastering it takes you to a another level. Which sometimes you will aimed much better than you were now.

I learned a new lesson today.

Having a mentor was the best

Today when I cleaned my guitar and some other stuff, my phone ring and I saw one of my music mentors was calling me. So I pick up the phone then we talked a lot about music, as always my mentor did not fail to give me some inspirational conversation that I can use in my music life.

He taught me that in music, "everyday is a practicing day, we have just to learn and learn something new everyday" that was his said to me. So it comes up to my mind that music will always be improved but it cannot be mastered. Its just in my own opinion guys but I can understand also if you share your own opinion too guys :)


As a musician I have my struggles just like anobody. I nearly give up this music life when I was on college because of bad matters that just happened, but then I found myself and I back on music playing again.

Im not talented to be honest, it is just the way that I discover the other parts of my life in music.

Learning music instruments it's just like an endless stairs😂

Playing instruments is not easy, let's say you need to take the steps to learn it. I remembered on my first time that I hold a guitar I thought it was but as moment that my first mentor taught me, shhhh..its so very hard to learn, but it's just in the beginning because you will love it when you'll used to it.


Everyday that passes by learning and improving are being harder and harder but it's the way that making your playing better. I think the endless stairs of the music will come near me someday.hope so! Lol

Now Im sharing my few knowledge to others, mentoring my fellow youth.

I mentored few person before on how to play instruments that they like but thats not been continued because of the distance that's hard for me to travel everyday.

This photos was taken yesterday after church

In the past few months I was obliged to mentor my fellow youth and the late generations that next to me to teach them because there's a time sometimes that I was not on the church and there's no one who know to play the instruments. So my father and I decided to teach them in every instruments.

I hope this will continue until the day that they're ready to use tonthe music ministry on the church.

Thank you for reading guys ..
God bless everyone!


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