my ulog # 13 abba paternity

Hi, friends, uloggers.

I want to tell you how proud I am of my husband, had a participation in a congress of young people, of a neighboring church, we are Christians and God has been preparing him to speak to young people about God, about Christian values and everything The reference, In this opportunity I speak about the fatherhood of God, He is our Father and although all our surroundings (including family) leave us He picks us up with arms of love, He is always ready and available for us, even if we fail Him He continues there. We must stop seeing God as a cruel, bad God, or as a boss who wants us to do what he wants, it is not like that, we should love him and understand that if we are his son we can approach Him whenever we want because He always It will be there.

Take a little picture of Him in that place, although I do not go out because I take them from the first row.

I like to share with you always, until a next ulog.


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