#Ulog on 22nd day: Attending the Christening of our niece

Hello steemians have a great day.

It's been how many days since I have done a #ulog. This is my Ulog for this day.

Today is the Christening of our little angel, baby "Tirzah" the daughter of my brother-in-law.


We are so happy that our little "tirzah" is now a christian. Joining us in the christian community. A gathering which celebrates the most important part of being a person is to be baptize.

Together with the families and friends we attended the baptism of the only little girl in the family for today. One of the most important part in the seven sacraments.

Once in a lifetime event for every person. Having a celebration like this makes us have a family bonding and sharing the happiness with friends makes it stronger bonds.

Hope to have a little one someday...

God bless everyone.

Thank you for dropping by.

My #ulog by @surpassinggoogle.

Thanks for all the support my friends and steemit community.

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#ulog by @surpassinggoogle
#untalented by @surpassinggoogle, thanks for the support always

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