meme 1.jpg

ulogs.org go to places.

  • ulog-memes is an ulog- subtag created by @surpassinggoogle on its website: https://ulogs.org

  • ulog-memes was born to stimulate creativity and make every steemian a celebrity as a meme-ulogger.

  • Simply make your own meme with your own images and text and donate to the web, instead of taking it from the web.

  • Kindly visit the website and share your own meme there.

To post an ulog-meme:

  • Make your ulog-meme and place somewhere "ulog-memes"

  • Go to this link https://ulogs.org

  • Select the "write a post" option or use this link https://ulogs.org/editor

  • Place the title: (ULOG + Memes): xxx

  • Use these tags in the following order:

  1. #ulog 2. #ulog-memes

ulogs.org irá a lugares.

  • ulog-memes es un ulog- subtag creado por @supassinggoggle en su sitio web: https://ulogs.org

  • ulog-memes nace para estimular la creatividad y hacer de cada steemian una celebridad como un meme-ulogger.

  • Simplemente haga su propio meme con imágenes y texto propio, done a la web, en lugar de tomar de la web.

  • Amablemente visite el sitio web y comparta ahí su propio meme.

Para postear un ulog-meme:

  • Haga su ulog-meme y coloque en algun lugar "ulog-memes"

  • Vaya a este link https://ulogs.org

  • Seleccione la opcion "write a post" o use este link https://ulogs.org/editor

  • coloque el el título :(ULOG + Memes): xxx

  • Use estos tags en el siguiente orden:

  1. #ulog 2. #ulog-memes

This post was made from https://ulogs.org

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