Ulog 58: Movie Night

My wife promised my children a movie tonight because my older daughter and I couldn’t go to the theater earlier in the day. I thought we would go watch Small Foot. Vy hasn’t been to the movie theater yet. And she finds the idea of popcorn at the movie novel. However, I had to run some errands for my wife and didn’t have the time to take her to any of the matinee shows. So ny wife told Vy that we would do a movie night, with popcorn included. I wanted to go out and see a movie myself. I guess it’s okay.

Instead of choosing a blockbuster, my daughter wanted to watch Curious George. I am not interested in that movie. I love Curious George when I was a kid. I am just into it anyway.

So I guess I have to watch this movie with her and then when she go to bed, then I will find something that I like in Netflix and watch that.


Tomorrow, Sunday November 4th will be the New York Marathon. I have a few friends who will be running it. For those who will be running, good luck. I am sure you will do great and will be able to accomplish the goals that you have set for yourself. For those who are looking for some inspirations, running this marathon is one of those. You will be trading good health by putting in the time to train. It is well worth it once you passed the finish line.

For now, I will be watching this Christmas Movie with Curious George. Good night and don’t let the bed bugs bite.

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